《2017》台灣系列桌曆/台灣印象/關於福爾摩沙的一二三 ※可訂製專屬企業廣告區


新的2017即將到來,您是否已經充滿能量,準備好迎接下一個美好的開始呢?創義 X TAIWAN特別為來自不同地方的鄉親,提供了獨具台灣特色的桌曆,從日常生活到生態景觀,從食衣住行到柴米油鹽,小地方大人物,每一項事物都有自己的獨特的故事。特別適合來自遠方的外國朋友,或是對於這片土地擁有深厚情感的台灣人,喜歡的朋友千萬別錯過一年一次難得收藏的機會喔!
The new year is imminent. Are you ready for catering next good year? CHONGYI X TAIWAN provide our customers the most unique calendar which includes all TAIWAN features. From daily life to landscape, everything has its own story. Especially for foreign people, this will be a unforgettable gift! Do not hesitate to get one, my friends :)))


※商品資訊 The detail information of products
印面尺寸 Printing region:29.7X42cm
廣告範圍 Advertising region:28X3cm
單面彩色列印 Single-side color printing


The fee do not include the advertising region. If you have any requirement, please contact us.


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